Jeju Island

Jeju Island Box front

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In Jeju Island, the players travel around Jeju, the most beautiful island in Korea, gathering sightseeing tiles along the way. After gathering the tiles, players can use them to collect point cards with special effects. The player with the most points wins!

Download the rules: Here!


Jeju Island
Game design: Yeon-Min Jung, Gary Kim, Jun-Hyup Kim
Artwork: Polong Jeon

Players: 2-4
Ages: 7+
Length: 30mins

80 Sightseeing tiles
32 cards
14 wooden player tokens
1 Harubang statue token
1 game board
1 rule book

What are people saying about Jeju Island?

Eric Martin from BGG reviews the game:

Tom Vasel from The Dice Tower reviews the game: